Autumn Potpourri Jewel (on model)Potpourri lace birdcage / wh11JJPotpourri lace birdcage / br11JJPotpourri lace Birdcage / gr11JJ Potpourri lace mat / rd11JJPotpourri lace mat / or11JJ Potpourri lace mat / pr11JJPotpourri lace hairband / rd11JJPotpourri lace hairband / pk11JJPotpourri lace hairband / pr11JJPotpourri lace dress / br11JJ Potpourri lace dress / pk11JJPotpourri lace dress / pr11JJPotpourri bowler hat / pk11JJPotpourri bowler hat / br11JJPotpourri bowler hat / nv11JJFluffy tippet / Gr11JJFluffy tippet / Br11JJFluffy tippet / Rd11JJCheck shirt dress / pk11JJCheck shirt dress / bg11JJCheck shirt dress / nv11JJKnit Cardigan / Rd11JJKnit Cardigan / Yw11JJKnit Cardigan / Bg11JJFlower heart earrings / rd11JJFlower heart earrings / or11JJFlower heart earrings / pr11JJLace-Up Boots / Rd11JJLace-Up Boots / Br11JJLace-Up Boots / Gr11JJSource:Poupee wiki : Posts:Autumn Items 2010Autumn Items 2012Autumn Thanksgiving Day 2009 Share on: with love,vriske rusniko | @vriskerusniko |vriske@windowslive.comThank you for all the readers! If you like the content and want to support, you can donate via Ko-fi (Global) or Trakteer (Indonesia)Ko-fiTrakteer