APPINA Website

About client


APPINA adalah asosiasi perusahaan-perusahaan pengiklan yang melakukan komunikasi pemasaran secara aktif.
Gagasan pembentukan APPINA (Asosiasi Perusahaan Pengiklan Indonesia) berawal dari inisiatif beberapa company yang aktif dalam industri periklanan, serta asosiasi pendukung lainnya yang tergabung dalam Dewan Periklanan Indonesia, bahwa perlu adanya suatu wadah yang mewakili perusahaan-perusahaan pengiklan di Indonesia, sebagai penggerak utama bagi industri periklanan secara umum.

APPINA is an association of advertising companies that actively engage in marketing communications.
The formation of APPINA (Association of Indonesian Advertiser Companies) started with the initiative of several companies whom active in the advertising industry, as well as other supporting associations that are members of the Indonesian Advertising Council, suggested that there’s needs to be a forum that represents advertising companies in Indonesia, as the main driver of the advertising industry as a whole.

About this project

Year : 2021

Redesign & modernizing APPINA website.

The website need to be able to deliver information about advertising industry, related law and activity updates for APPINA members.


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vriske rusniko | @vriskerusniko |

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