Thank you item 2011 – Jewel Jewel (on model)Point side ribbon / bk11CJPoint side ribbon / rd11CJPoint side ribbon / wh11CJAmerican retro dress / bk11CAmerican retro dress / bl11CAmerican retro dress / rd11CFrame Patten Dress / Bg11CJFrame patten dress / bk11CJFrame patten dress / gn11CJFlower booty / pk11CJFlower booty / gn11CJFlower booty / bg11CJHeart ribbon / bg11CJHeart ribbon / bk11CJHeart ribbon / pk11CJNeo Hippie T-shirt / bk11CNeo Hippie T-shirt / br11CNeo Hippie T-shirt / pk11CKnit dress / yw11CJKnit dress / pk11CJKnit dress / wh11CJFeather Neo Hippie Skirt / bk11CJFeather Neo Hippie Skirt / br11CJFeather Neo Hippie Skirt / pk11CJPaisley stole / pr11CJPaisley stole / bl11CJPaisley stole / bg11CJNeo Hippie flower shirt / bk11CNeo Hippie flower shirt / br11CNeo Hippie flower shirt / pk11CTrump tulle mini / Pk11CJTrump tulle mini / Bl11CJTrump tulle mini / Wh11CJStar culottes / gr11CJStar culottes / or11CJStar culottes / pk11CJSource:Poupee wiki : Posts:Japanese Pattern ItemPunk Girl Item 2011Fruit Pattern Item Share on: with love,vriske rusniko | @vriskerusniko |vriske@windowslive.comThank you for all the readers! If you like the content and want to support, you can donate via Ko-fi (Global) or Trakteer (Indonesia)Ko-fiTrakteer