About client
Molto Indonesia
Molto adalah brand pelembut dan pewangi pertama di Indonesia dan tim research and development kami tidak pernah berhenti mencari inovasi untuk menghasilkan produk terbaik karena kami mengerti para ibu hanya akan memberikan yang terbaik bagi keluarga mereka. Produk Molto Ultra Sekali Bilas kami diciptakan dengan tujuan untuk membantu dunia mengurangi penggunaan air. Tanpa harus membilas berkali-kali setelah memakai deterjen, hanya dengan menuangkan varian ini, para ibu hanya butuh membilas satu kali saja.
Molto juga dijual di 28 negara (dimana brandnya dipanggil dengan sebutan Comfort atau Soft). Molto menerima penghargaan Top Brand Awards selama 5 tahun berturut-turut sejak tahun 2009 hingga 2013.
Molto provides long-lasting softness and freshness to your clothes.
Molto is the first softener and fragrance brand in Indonesia and our research and development team never stops looking for innovations to produce the best products because we understand that mothers will only provide the best for their families. Our Molto Ultra One Rinse Products were created with the goal of helping the world reduce water usage. Without having to rinse many times after using detergent, just by pouring this variant, mothers only need to rinse once.
Molto is also sold in 28 countries (where the brand is called as Comfort or Soft). Molto received the Top Brand Awards for 5 consecutive years from 2009 to 2013.
About this project
Year: 2018
Molto Deterjen Indonesia team wants to show their consumers that their brand new detergent has elegant perfume fragrance which Molto itself also produces the perfume. In the previous KV, there’s none perfume attached but to put the perfume in separate layer somehow will make the KV looks cluttered, so they asked to edit (digital-imaging) the perfume inside the flower bed to make the KV looks more appealing and deliver the message of Molto Deterjen using luxury perfume in their detergent.