About client
Terinspirasi dari warisan resep kecantikan para leluhur yang berasal dari bahan-bahan alami yang eksotis, Citra dengan rangkaian produknya hadir untuk mewujudkan impian setiap wanita untuk memiliki kulit cerah alami khas Indonesia. Dengan bahan-bahan alami eksotis khas Asia yang telah dipercaya turun-temurun seperti Mangir, Bengkoang, Beras Jepang, Royal Jelly Korea, Bubuk Mutiara Cina, Goji Berry, Teh Hijau Jepang, Wakame dan Bunga Anggrek Korea, Citra meracik dengan sepenuh hati untuk menghadirkan rahasia wajah halus bersinar dan kulit cerah alami yang sempurna.
Kesetiaan Citra pada nilai-nilai kerajinan tradisional dan komitmennya untuk terus mengolah bahan-bahan alami dengan keterampilan tinggi berhasil membuat Citra dipercaya oleh wanita Indonesia selama lebih dari 30 tahun. Citra akan terus berinovasi untuk dapat selalu mempersembahkan yang terbaik bagi wanita Indonesia.
Inspired by the heritage of beauty recipes from our ancestors that came from exotic natural ingredients, Citra with its product range is here to realize every woman’s dream to have naturally bright Indonesian skin. With natural, exotic Asian ingredients that have been trusted from generation to generation such as Mangir, Jicama, Japanese Rice, Korean Royal Jelly, Chinese Pearl Powder, Goji Berry, Japanese Green Tea, Wakame, and Korean Orchid Flowers, Citra wholeheartedly mixes them to present the secret to a smooth, radiant face and a flawless, natural bright skin.
Citra’s loyalty to the values of traditional crafts and her commitment to continuously processing natural ingredients with high skills has succeeded in making Citra trusted by Indonesian women for more than 30 years. Citra will continue to innovate to be able to always present the best for Indonesian women.
Kesetiaan Citra pada nilai-nilai kerajinan tradisional dan komitmennya untuk terus mengolah bahan-bahan alami dengan keterampilan tinggi berhasil membuat Citra dipercaya oleh wanita Indonesia selama lebih dari 30 tahun. Citra akan terus berinovasi untuk dapat selalu mempersembahkan yang terbaik bagi wanita Indonesia.
Inspired by the heritage of beauty recipes from our ancestors that came from exotic natural ingredients, Citra with its product range is here to realize every woman’s dream to have naturally bright Indonesian skin. With natural, exotic Asian ingredients that have been trusted from generation to generation such as Mangir, Jicama, Japanese Rice, Korean Royal Jelly, Chinese Pearl Powder, Goji Berry, Japanese Green Tea, Wakame, and Korean Orchid Flowers, Citra wholeheartedly mixes them to present the secret to a smooth, radiant face and a flawless, natural bright skin.
Citra’s loyalty to the values of traditional crafts and her commitment to continuously processing natural ingredients with high skills has succeeded in making Citra trusted by Indonesian women for more than 30 years. Citra will continue to innovate to be able to always present the best for Indonesian women.
About this project
Year: 2018
Citra Alfacart Facebook Ads were a partnership promo campaign between Citra and Alfacart. As Facebook Ads have a big role to sell and promote, I need to make sure that the images used for the ads were qualified as per Facebook Ads guidelines but also can deliver the message/promo.

Vriske Rusniko