Conspicuous Kitty Declaration Conspicuous Kitty Declaration (on model)K /T tail bud friend Katyusha _PkK / T tail bud friend Katyusha _YwK / T tail bud friend Katyusha _BlK / T tail bud friend Katyusha _PrK / T Omedachi T-shirt _WhK / T Omedachi T-shirt _BkK / T tail bud friend necklaceK / T tail bud friend room wear on _PkK / T tail bud friend room wear under _PkK / T tail bud friend Long earringsK / T tail bud friend BostonK / T Omedachitoto BAGK / T tail bud friend wallet L_pkSource:Poupee wiki : Posts:Hello Kitty EventReebok x Hello Kitty Collaboration Share on: with love,vriske rusniko | @vriskerusniko |vriske@windowslive.comThank you for all the readers! If you like the content and want to support, you can donate via Ko-fi (Global) or Trakteer (Indonesia)Ko-fiTrakteer